Cocreation, Connection, Conservation: An illustrated handbook for culture tourism guides in Colombia
This project collects information on Colombia's cultural heritage and presents it in educational, aesthetic and accessible formats. To this end, it includes:
- A suggestive, memorable and easy to understand narrative style.
- An infographic interface that articulates blocks of text, data, and illustrations without sacrificing readability.
- Impressive and colorful, yet scientifically rigorous illustrations.
- A solid scientific basis, yet free from technical excesses.
- Easily downloadable editorial content on this website.
The project includes three formats of editorial content with complementary information:
A 300-page book in Spanish and English (available
in digital and printed versions)
-See Handbook- - 50 podcast audios -See Audios-
- 100+ factsheets -See Factsheets-
An Illustrated Handbook for Culture Tourism Guides in Colombia
Is designed for three types of readers: the culture tourism guide eager to expand his or her knowledge with accurate and reliable information, the national or international visitor interested in knowing more about local culture destinations, and the general public.
The following video provides details of how this project was conceived and produced: